Saturday September 21st, 2024- 9:00 am-11:00am

Geyserville Bridge-Meet your beach captain for check-in on location at hwy 128 at the bridge. Parking and check-in is on the southwest corner of the bridge. (see picture for exact meeting location)

This is a moderate walking route with some foliage and we provide all the gloves, trash grabbers, and bags to get it cleaned up! Volunteers will receive a special gift!

From each registration location, volunteers will be able to choose various beach walking routes based on where the trash is. Supplies will be provided if needed at registration, but you are encouraged to bring gloves, water, a hat, and other supplies if you have them.

The Russian River Watershed Cleanup will continue to remove litter from beachgoers before the winter rains wash them to the ocean. We can’t save the ocean unless we stop sending our trash downstream. You can help us break that cycle! Together we can stop adding to the great Pacific Garbage Patch in the middle of the ocean (it’s almost twice the size of Texas!).

We look forward to working together this September for a cleaner Russian River and Pacific Ocean.