Russian Riverkeeper is happy to announce its new program, Russian Riverkeeper Clean Team. The program will tackle trash from Ukiah to Jenner, and ensure that the work formally managed under Clean River Alliance endures into the future.

The Russian Riverkeeper Clean Team will focus on three key priorities:

  • Help the homeless population in Sonoma county maintain sanitary camp conditions by offering clean camp outreach, trash pickup service, and delivery of food, water, safety masks and personal hygiene products. As COVID-19 spreads, unhoused people are among the most vulnerable to infection.
  • Disaster response to fires and floods, which feel like they are becoming our new normal as the climate warms.
  • As public safety allows, coordinate volunteers to pick up trash and recyclables. Trash cleanups raise awareness about water pollution and create opportunities for the public to make a difference.

Clean River Alliance was founded in 2015 by Chris Brokate and operated under the fiscal sponsorship of Russian Riverkeeper. The success of its innovative trash cleanup and outreach efforts to the homeless community has been duplicated in Southern California and been recognized by the CA Water Board.

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