Advocacy News2020-07-05T11:22:44-07:00

Arundo Removal Updates!

Arundo Update- June 2023 Here’s the latest update on Riverkeeper’s ongoing Healdsburg Arundo Removal Project: Our crews and volunteer groups have been working hard on eight properties and have removed approximately four acres of invasive Giant [...]

RRK Challenges Sonoma County Well Ordinance

Russian Riverkeeper (RRK) and our state association, California Coastkeeper Alliance, recently filed a challenge to the Sonoma County Well Ordinance update. While the new ordinance started the conversation around what is needed, the final amendment is [...]

Our Natural Resources Are at Risk!

Click here to see the previous update! The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors completed their vote to pass the proposed amendment to the Well Ordinance on 4/18/2023. With Supervisors Hopkins, Gore, and Rabbitt voting in favor [...]

Taking Action Against Unregulated Ground Water Pumping

Join us in ensuring our public trust resources are protected from unrestricted groundwater pumping! Russian Riverkeeper is continuing hard to push to get key requirements incorporated into the Sonoma County Well Ordinance Amendment that will help [...]

Russian Riverkeeper Celebrates Earth Month

Earth Day is an annual event that is celebrated on April 22nd to raise awareness and appreciation for our planet's natural environment. To celebrate Earth Day, Russian we will be teaming up with Americorps for a [...]

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