Earth Month Was a Great Success Thanks to You!
It’s been a great Earth Month this last April and at Russian Riverkeeper! We’ve been keeping busy to make the greatest impact we can to protect and restore our watershed from harm. Earth Month started in the 1970s as a movement to resist the [...]
Our Natural Resources Are at Risk!
Click here to see the previous update! The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors completed their vote to pass the proposed amendment to the Well Ordinance on 4/18/2023. With Supervisors Hopkins, Gore, and Rabbitt voting in favor of Staff recommendations, we believe the County has [...]
Taking Action Against Unregulated Ground Water Pumping
Join us in ensuring our public trust resources are protected from unrestricted groundwater pumping! Russian Riverkeeper is continuing hard to push to get key requirements incorporated into the Sonoma County Well Ordinance Amendment that will help ensure the short and long-term protection of our [...]
Russian Riverkeeper Celebrates Earth Month
Earth Day is an annual event that is celebrated on April 22nd to raise awareness and appreciation for our planet's natural environment. To celebrate Earth Day, Russian we will be teaming up with Americorps for a beach cleanup day at Sunset beach. Click here [...]
State and Local Water Assistance Programs
Access to water is recognized as a human right yet 2 million U.S. citizens and over 2 billion worldwide still don’t have access to a safe, reliable, or affordable water source's. Since 2012, California law (Assembly Bill 685) has declared that every person in [...]
Hispanic Heritage Month, the New Latino Scorecard and Local Gatherings
Español This past month from September 15th until October 15th was National Hispanic Heritage Month! California and Sonoma County have a deep history of Hispanic American contributions to culture and achievement that shape our diverse landscape today. Roughly 30% of the county's population (that’s [...]
Groundwater Pumping Goes Unchecked In Sonoma County
It is time for accountability when it comes to our groundwater resources. Groundwater pumping is going unchecked in Sonoma County. To date, Sonoma County has failed to fulfill its public trust duties by not considering or mitigating the known impacts of groundwater pumping on [...]
Press Release: Sonoma County Groundwater August 9, 2022 Sonoma County is Wrestling with State Groundwater Well Permitting Requirements in the Face of Growing Impacts on Existing Water Supplies, Public Health, and the Environment Sonoma County faces a perfect storm of water management challenges during [...]
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