Access to water is recognized as a human right yet 2 million U.S. citizens and over 2 billion worldwide still don’t have access to a safe, reliable, or affordable water source’s.  Since 2012, California law (Assembly Bill 685) has declared that every person in the state has a right to clean, safe, and affordable drinking water, and has since been working to implement mitigation programs for those most impacted by costs, poor water quality, and lack of accessibility.

Local nonprofits and Sonoma County programs have stepped up to meet the growing need in recent years that is expected to hit harder in 2023, although many assistance programs meant to aid during the beginning of the pandemic have recently expired! Water prices will continue to rise, especially as our current drought becomes a consistent force driving scarcity as rates are generally based on the cost to produce local groundwater and the cost to import Russian River water to consumers. Saw earlier this year the first-ever proposal to implement well water fees in Sonoma County, which was met with great response from the community, and points to affordability considerations not only for water system customers but for independent systems that often include rural, low-income households.

Whether it be a state or local program, many households in the Russian River watershed are unaware of resources and assistance that can help pay a portion of their water bill and increase use-efficiency if eligible. In addition to the resources below, your local water company may have discounts and services for eligible customers.

Please share the water resources below in an effort to provide safe and drinkable water for all!


 Community Action Partnership

H2O Water Program with the City of Santa Rosa for utility and efficiency assistance

County of Sonoma

General Assistance Program

County of Mendocino

General Assistance Program

La Luz Center

Community resources navigation including emergency relief

The Salvation Army

Bill Pay Assistance Program

West County Community Services

Help for housing and critical financial needs assistance

City of Ukiah

Senior citizens and other eligible households receive a monthly credit for utility charges

California Indian Manpower Consortium

Utility Assistance and prevention of disconnection for eligible Native Americans

Low Income Water Assistance Program

One-time payment for overdue water and wastewater bills. To check if your Water System Utility is enrolled check HERE.


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