Press Feature!

Thank you so much KindTravler for supporting our mission and to the 7x7 team for the incredible feature! Click the link below to read more.

Post Flood Support

The welcome rains in January came with a deluge of trash swept into the river by the forces of nature. Although not as bad as 2019, Clean Team assessments have found an abundance of new trash from urban area storm drains, camps, farms, and [...]

How to Conserve Your Water All Year Round

Here are just some of the good reasons to stick with our conservation habit: Let’s keep water where it is, as much as possible. The more water we use, the more water has to be released from reservoirs or drawn up from groundwater wells.  [...]

Steelhead Festival Returns- February 11, 2023!

We are very excited to participate again in the 14th annual Lake Sonoma Steelhead Festival. This event is an excellent chance to see real live steelhead and Coho salmon as they finish their migration up Dry Creek to their human-assisted spawning grounds, which are [...]

State and Local Water Assistance Programs

Access to water is recognized as a human right yet 2 million U.S. citizens and over 2 billion worldwide still don’t have access to a safe, reliable, or affordable water source's.  Since 2012, California law (Assembly Bill 685) has declared that every person in [...]

Environmental Law Conference at Yosemite

This past October we sent our amazing staff Attorney, Jaime Neary, to the 31st annual Environmental Law Conference at Yosemite put on by the California Lawyers Association. Four days of learning from some of our State’s best environmental legal minds and the opportunity to [...]

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